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We are - We share - We Care

A conference entitled "We Are We Share We Care. A Dialogue Between Generations for an Educational Alliance" will be taking place on 22 February 2020. This will be the contribution from the Pontifical Salesian University and the School of Education to the Global Compact on Education.

A dialogue between generations is the response of the Pontifical Salesian University and the "Auxilium" School of Education to Pope Francis' invitation to prepare for the Global Compact on Education, reviving the commitment to a more open and inclusive education.

In the Assembly Hall of the Opera Nazionale delle Città dei Ragazzi (National Work of Teen Towns) - symbol of youth participation and activism – in Rome, Italy, on Saturday, 22 February 2020 from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm, children and parents, students and teachers, workers and employers, students and educators, university professors, and representatives of public institutions will meet to build a common educational alliance.
The Forum wishes to «revive the commitment for and with younger generations and renew the passion for a more open and inclusive education that can listen patiently, engage in constructive dialogue, and practice mutual understanding».

Three values will be inspiring this event:

●   We are: being there, without escaping the course of global, local, and personal history. We, young and old, choose to be there.

●   We share: sharing and participating. Dialogue is essential to build the "culture of encounter," to change the model of global development, and to direct globalization towards relationality.

●   We care: taking personal action, while becoming aware of the implications of being part of our one human family.

The Pontifical Salesian University and the "Auxilium" School of Educational Sciences believe that, in the current social context, it is necessary to open spaces for dialogue and mutual attendance, to build educational alliances between stakeholders in our society, and to rediscover the importance of education.
Together, we need to look for new forms of active participation for young people and adults that arise from creative sharing and to involve everyone.

For more information:

Salesian Pontifical University

Pontifical Faculty of Educational Sciences "Auxilium"